Mar 14, 2023    PASTOR DAVE KOPPEL

Every week I go to lunch with the same guys, and the other day we go to a restaurant to meet and pray. Now I knew that the food that I was going to be eating had the potential to be messy. So I tucked my necktie into my shirt so I wouldn't get anything on it. Well, about three bites into the meal, I spilled food right where the buttons are on my shirt. I luckily was able to hide the spot with my tie once the lunch was over, but I was subconscious about it the rest of the day.

How often do we hide the spots in our lives? We try to put up a good front; we don't want anybody to know about the silly or stupid, or wrong things we have done. We try to cover them up so that no one will know.

It turns out that there will always be people who are better off than you. On the other hand, there will always be people who are worse off than you.