Jun 19, 2024    Pastor D

Last Saturday night, there was a mass shooting in Round Rock. Those words don’t even belong in the same sentence. Mass shooting. Round Rock. It just sounds wrong. 


This is not a big urban center. This is our home. This is where our kids go to school. This is where we go to the park, go swimming, and have festivals to celebrate our diversity and the beauty and wonder of our city. It’s where we go for the 4th of July fireworks…and, in days gone by, for the cardboard boat regatta.


Mass shooting. Round Rock. The words just don’t go together. Two dead. Fourteen hospitalized. 


Mass shooting. The words are jarring. 


We don’t know all the details. We don’t even know if the shooter was from Round Rock. 


But now there is a tear in the fabric of our city. It will be mended because, well, this is Round Rock…but there will be a scar.